Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worthington Vegetarian Burger

When your special recipe calls for vegetarian burger, you want the tastiest one available...because good beginnings make die happiest endings. That's why so many creative cooks choose Vegetarian Burger™;. It has the good, good taste to help make your dish something really special.

And why wait? Plan your next meal now around our new Burger Boats recipe. It tastes every bit as good as it looks.


2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2/3 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onion
1 medium tomato (peeled,seeded and chopped)
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
3/4 cup (3 ounces) shredded American cheese (divided)
1 can tomato sauce(8 ounces)
6-10 hard rolls (number depends on size of rolls)

Heat oil in a skillet. Add celery and onion. Saute at medium heat until vegetables are tender-crisp. Add chopped tomato continuing to saute 2 minutes longer. Combine cooked vegetables and VEGETARIAN BURGER in a large bowl. Add parsley, 1/2 cup shredded cheese and 1/3 cup tomato sauce. (Reserve remaining tomato sauce to serve with Savory Burger Boats.) Mix thoroughly but gently. Yields 3-1/2 cups.Slice tops oil the hard rolls. Scoop out the soft bread leaving a 1/2 inch thick shell. Fill shells with the VEGETARIAN BURGER mixture. Each roll will require about 1/3 to 1/2 cup mixture, depending on the size. Sprinkle the filled rolls with the remaining 1/4 cup shredded cheese. Place filled rolls on a baking sheet Bake at 400° for 10 to 15 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Garnish with additional sliced green onion, if desired. Serve with remaining heated tomato sauce. Serves 6 to 10.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cookery One of the Fine Arts

Man or woman lives by the introduction of food into his system. Sooner or later his physical condition will show whether this food is of the right quality or quantity. Disease results if this food is improper in quantity or poor in quality, or if it is poorly prepared for assimilation.

The cook plays a very important part in the home, as she prepares the food that goes to nourish the house mates. A good cook is one who, having studied the more important principles of right living and of food combinations, can, with care and thought, apply them with benefit to all the family. But how often the work of preparing the food is left to one who is illiterate, untidy, and careless, and who works only for a wage, not for the up building of right living.

Cookery is not only a science, it is one of the fine arts; but it has been seriously neglected in recent years. There are few who can make good, wholesome bread. The aim usually seems to be to arrange some concoction to appeal to a appetite, without any consideration of its digestive qualities. The average person does not make any serious attempt to develop the art of cooking. To study how many food units will be needed in the building process of the human body, or what particular elements are necessary for certain cases, is to most like a lesson in Greek or Latin.

Imperfect knowledge of cooking leads to diseases of every kind. Children and adults suffer the results of bad cookery. More effort is need to learn the most wholesome ways of preparing foods for sick and those who are well. If more time and study were spent on this great subject there would be less need for the doctor.

Our palates need education to eat that which is good. Our cooks need education in making foods that nourish. Many of the strongest animals find their sustenance in the plant kingdom. Why should we not find enough in the grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts i.e vegan and vegetarian diets to build a strong body structure?

There are a few points which must be considered. The food must be palatable as well as digestible. A soup, a salad, a sandwich, or any other prepared food, should be made with this in view. There are  flavors which each food contains that should be retained. Often in the cooking they are lost because of failure to know how to prepare it. For instance, the potato, when bailed, is put to cook in so much water that when it is done it has a large amount of water still left to be thrown away. This has extracted from the vegetable in the boiling process much of the salt which makes the potato tasty, and which is needed in the body; and when this water is thrown down the sink, the cook must do something to make this article palatable, so a large amount of salt is added, and some butter and pepper to make up for the absent elements which went down the sink. The same is true also of beans, peas, and lentils. They are usually cooked in water until partly done; this water is thrown away, and other water is added. In this first water much of the phosphates of the peas or beans is traded, for as the water becomes warm enough to crack the skins and loosen the starches, the phosphates are dissolved into the water. When these important nutrients are thrown away, the food is tasteless unless something is added to bring up its flavor. So salt, pepper, and fats are again added in the endeavour to make palatable dishes. If the important natural salts of the food were conserved in the cooking, there would not be this need of adding artificial flavors. When peas, beans, or lentils are put to cook in cool water, without soaking, and a little vegetable oil (cottonseed or olive oil) is added, allowing it to cook with these legumes, the broth drained from them when done will have a "meaty" taste, because all the phosphates are there; nothing is lost. This will make a stock for various soups—quite equal in flavor to meat soup. To this broth of peas or beans, or both cooked together, various vegetables can be added, and we have a vegetable soup. The recipe is given below:—

Vegetable Soup

One pint of yellow split peas, one cup of Lima beans, one-quarter cup of salad oil, one small onion, one small carrot, two sticks of celery, one' small turnip, two medium-sized potatoes, parsley, one medium-sized tomato. Put tbe beans and peas to cook together, with salad oil; cook slowly until done. There should be a good supply of fluid on the mixture when done. Drain this off, add salt, and vegetables chopped fine; cook all together until done, and lastly, add parsley, chopped fine.

Serve hot.

This same kind of broth could be used in making a noodle soup.

Noodle Soup

Three yolks of eggs, one teaspoonful of water, two tablespoonfuls of nuttolene, one quart of bean broth, salt, one cup of strained tomatoes. Put the yolks of three eggs into a basin. Add one teaspoonful of cold water and a little salt, Stir in flour enough to make a stiff dough.

Put the dough on the kneading-board, and knead in as much flour as it will take. Roll out very thin. Dry a little, then roll up in a roll, cut into very thin strips. Shake them out to dry a little more, then drop into the boiling water broth. Prepare the broth by cooking one pint of Lima beans with one tablespoonful of salad oil or ol've oil until well done. Drain off the broth. Add one cup of strained, stewed tomatoes To this add the noodles. Cook rapidly in the broth until the noodles are well done. If any flavouring is desired, as onion, celery, etc., it should be added to the broth before the noodles are put in. Just before serving, add two tablespoonfuls of nuttolene, if desired, chopped fine, or cut into small dice.

It can also be used in making a gravy.

Take vegetable broth from any vegetable that may be cooking—peas, beans, potatoes, etc., mixture of all these broths is very nice. Add salt, and thicken with flour that has been browned in the oven to a rich brown colour. A little celery or onion can be added if desired or a little strained tomato.

Or it may be used in making a toast for breakfast.

Minced Scallop on Toast

Mince one-half pound of nuttolene and put it on to simmer in three cups of bean broth for three quarters of an hour. Add a little sage, parsley, and salt; just before serving, chop the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs into the mixture. Serve hot on small squares of zwieback.

Healthful cookery, then, requires enough study to know the various wants of the human body and the elements in foods that will supply them. Then the food should be combined as tastily as possible to hring out all the flavours of the food itself, with the addition of the smallest amount of seasoning so that the natural flavours can be noticed.

When a food is prepared for the table that tastes so strong of onion that one in eating it can taste nothing else at all, it is poorly prepared, or bad cookery. Any flavour, as onion, sage, bay-leases, thyme, etc., should be added in such small quantities that it gives a pleasant taste to the food, but so that those eating it can hardly detect the extract flavour.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

Christmas Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

THE Christmas season is here again with its holly, mistletoe, Christmas bells, and toy-shop windows. It is a time of merriment and feasting. It has a deeper meaning, too. It is a season of kindliness,thoughtfulness, and sharing. It is a timefor joy and happiness. Before we go to the vegetarian and vegan recipes, there is a recipe for Christmas pleasure that has been tried and found good.

A Recipe for a Happy Day

"Take one pound
of kindness
And stir it round
With thoughts that bless.
Plenty of patience makes it nice;
Some fun will add a little spice;
Don't weigh out love, but pour it in;
Oil of good cheer will grease your tin;
Mix well in just the old-time way,
And you'll have made a happy day."

Along with a recipe for a joyous day,homemakers must think of recipes for food and plan a Christmas-dinner menu.We have come a long way in our planning of Christmas menus from the days of endless courses of meat, fish, and fowl; numerous side dishes; and countless desserts, but often stomachs still groan and heads ache from overabundance of rich and indigestible foods, not to mention between-meal nibbles. There is yet much progress to be made if we are to have the season one of real comfort.

Frequently the one who prepares the Christmas dinner has little time for enjoying the holiday. A menu may be chosen,however, that is delicious but much of which may be prepared the day before, to enable the homemaker to join in the festivities. The best sauce for any meal is a spirit of love and hospitality. A simple dinner shared is often more welcome than a banquet.

Here is a suggestive meatless Christmas menu that may be prepared largely before Christmas Day.

Vegex Bouillon Crisp, Salty Crackers Relishes
(Celery Curls, Carrot Sticks, Olives, Cottage-Cheese Balls)
Christmas Bell Salad*
Nutmeat With Chestnut Dressing*
Honeyed Sweet Potatoes*
Green Beans Lyonnaise*
Hot Rolls, Butter Apple Jelly
Ice-Cream Snowball
Hot Fruit Punch

* Recipes below.

Christmas Bell Salad

2 cups raw cranberries
2 cups sugar
2 packages lemon gelatin or Vegajel
3 cups water
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped nuts
1 large orange, ground

Put cranberries through food chopper,cover with sugar, and let stand. Dissolve gelatin in 2 cups hot water and add remaining cold water. Combine all ingredients. Pour into individual bell molds. Chill; serve on lettuce or curly endive. Flute around the edge of the bell with whipped cream mixed with mayonnaise. Place a dot of cream-mayonnaise mixture on top. Serves 8.

Stuffed Nutmeat With Chestnut Dressing

1 quart chestnuts
1 tablespoon margarine or oil
2 cups soft bread crumbs
1/4 cup oil or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
1 egg, well beaten
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 pound 14-ounce can dark nutmeat
(Proteena or Soyameat)

Make a gash in each chestnut to prevent it from exploding; place in a heavy skillet with 1 tablespoon oil. Shake over low heat for a few minutes. Place in a 450° F. oven for about 10 minutes. Remove shells and skins with a knife. Cover chestnuts with boiling salted water and cook until tender, drain, and put through food chopper. Mix lightly but thoroughly with remaining ingredients. With a knife, hollow out the center of the nutmeat. Fill with chestnut dressing. Place in oiled baking pan and cover with mushroom gravy. Bake at 350° F. for one hour. Baste with gravy from time to time. Slice and serve with additional mushroom gravy. Serves 8.

Honeyed Sweet Potatoes

6 medium sweet potatoes or yams
14 cup margarine or butter
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup water

Bake or boil sweet potatoes, peel, and slice lengthwise. Arrange slices in a buttered baking dish. Dot layers with margarine, sprinkle with salt. Mix honey and water and pour over.Bake, basting frequently with liquid, at 350°F. for 20 minutes, or until browned. Serves 8.

Green Beans Lyonnaise

1 pound green beans, fresh or frozen
14 cup minced onion
2 tablespoons oil or margarine
I teaspoon salt

Cook green beans until barely done, still crisp. Saute onions in fat until tender and delicately browned. Add to green beans. Mix thoroughly with salt, and heat about 5 minutes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Five O'clock Tea.

WHAT shall we have for our five o'clock tea?

This must to some degree depend upon the hour at which we dine. If we have our dinner at 2 o'clock or perhaps later, it would be advisable to take only one of the beverages mentioned later, but as we think that most of our readers dine at an earlier hour than this, we will endeavour to suggest a few articles of diet which, when combined with some healthful drink, make a nourishing, and, at the same time, palatable meal.

First let us consider the beverages. These must be taken in small quantities, preferably at the close of the meal, as you doubtless know by recent talks in the GOOD HEALTH that large quantities of liquids hinder digestion by preventing thorough mastication, and by diluting the digestive fluids. One of the following may be selected, viz. :—

Caramel Cereal,                     or                       Prune Juice with Lemon.
Brunak,                                                            Grape Juice

BREADS,                                          SWEETS.

Brown and White Bread,                                   Banana Custard,
Grauose Biscuit with Almond,                            Sponge Cake,
Dairy, or Cocoanut Butter,                                 Fruit Wafers.
Oatmeal Biscuits, Zwieback.


Stewed Raisins, Steamed Figs, Apples and Grapes.

Banana Custard.

Ingredients.—2 teacupfuls of granose flakes, 2 eggs, 3 ripe bananas (sliced thinly), 1 teaspoonful sugar, 1 pint milk or almond milk.

[To make almond milk take 1 tablespoonful. of almond butter to 1 pint of water.]

Method.—Heat the milk to boiling point, stir in the Hakes, remove from the stove, and add sugar and bananas. Beat the eggs well and add slowly. Cook thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Sultanas or raisins may be used in the place of bananas if preferred.

Sponge Cake.

Ingredients.—5 large or six small eggs, 1 cup' sugar, 1 cup flour (measured after sifting 3 times), 1 tablespoonful juice of lemon, 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract, a pinch of salt.

Method.—Separate the eggs, yolks and whites; bead yolks first with Dover beater; when light and stiff, add the sugar, bea'ing it in, then beat whites till very stiff, adding lemon juice and salt after they have acquired as much bulk as they can have. Beat the yolks and sugar into the whites, then the flour, stirring as little as possible after you. put in the flour. Add vanilla last. Bake forty to fifty minutes in a moderate oven.

Dinner Rolls.

—Two breakfast cups of flour, two ounces Bilson's oocoanut butter, half a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter of an ounce German yeast mixed with one teacupful of warm milk. Add a trifle more milk or flout as may be required to make into a soft dough. Mix and knead well. Put to rise in covered earthen dish. When light, which, will be in two or three hours, mould into jem irons warmed and well oiled. Lot rise about forty-five minutes in warm (not hot) place. Bake in moderate oven for twenty minutes.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Apple Recipes

This post will present some apple recipes which you can easily prepare. Before we go there let us learn  a few things about apples. The apple may well be regarded as the king of all fruits, not only on account of its wide distribution over the earth's surface, but also because of the general favor with which it is received. It is, perhaps, the oldest fruit with which we are acquainted. There are innumerable able kinds, of varying size, form, and flavor. The small, sour, wild crab-apple is probably the parent stock.

The composition of the apple, which is given below the accompanying diagram, is much like that of other similar fruits. The carbohy­drate, consisting of sugar, starch, and similar pro­ducts, makes up anything from five per cent to fif­teen per cent according to the variety, but the chief constituent is, of course, water.

Almost anyone will find a ripe apple wholesome and easily digested, pro­viding it is well masti­cated and the skin is rejected. But if the teeth are poor, and efficient mastication is impossible, then it is wise to scrape the apple with a silver knife, or a spoon before eating it. Cooking softens the cellulose or woody matter of the apple, and changes some of the gums present into gelatinous substances. Consequently a baked apple is generally recognized as being more digestible than a raw apple, and it makes an acceptable dish for almost any invalid.

Composition of the Apple.
Water 82.5 per cent; (a) Cellulose, 2.7 percent; (b) Acids, 1.0 per cent; (c) Carbohy­drate, 12.5 per cent; (d) Fat, 0.5 per cent; (e) Mineral matter, 0.4 per cent; (f) Protein, 4 per cent.

The following vegan and vegeterian recipes are gleaned from "Science in the Kitchen," by Mrs. E. E. Kellogg:—

Baked Apples,

Take any good tart apples; peel, cut in halves, arid remove the cores. Scatter a few spoonfuls of sugar in the bottom of a dish, and lay the apples in, flat side down ; add a teacupful of cold water, and bake till tender. Let stand in the dish till cold, then take up the pieces in a vegetable dish, and pour over them what juice remains. Sweet apples are good baked; in this way without sugar.

Dried Apples.

Good apples properly dried make a very palatable sauce; but unfortunately the fruit generally selected for drying is of so inferior a quality that if cooked in its fresh state it would not be good. The dried fruit in most of our markets needs to be looked over carefully, and thoroughly washed before using. Put into a granite-ware saucepan, cover with boiling water, and cook gently until tender. Fresh steam-dried or evaporated applet will cook in from one-half to three-fourths of an hour; if older, they may require from one to two or more hours. Add boiling water, as needed, during the cooking. If when tender they are lacking in juice, add a little boiling water long enough before lifting from the fire to allow it to boil up once. If the fruit is very poor, a few very thin slices of the yellow portion of lemon or orange rind added a half-hour before it is done, will sometimes be an improvement.

Compote of Apples.

Pare and extract the cores from moderately tart, juicy apples. Place them in a deep pudding-dish with just enough water to cover them. Cover, place in a moderate oven, and slew until they are lender. Remove the apples and place in a deep dish to keep hot. Measure the juice and pour it into a saucepan, add a few bits of lemon rind, and boil up until thickened almost like a jelly. While the juice is boiling, heat some sugar, one tablespoonful to each cup of juice, in the oven, and add to the juice when thickened. Pour scalding hot over the apples, and cover until cold.

Apple Charlotte.

Take three cups of nicely stewed tart apples which have been beaten smooth or rubbed through a colander and sweetened to taste. If the sauce is thin and very juicy, place it upon the range, and simmer slowly, till it is of the consistency of thick marmalade or jelly. Add to the apples four tablespoonfuls of grated fresh or canned pineapple for flavouring. Re­move the hard crusts from slices of light whole­ wheat bread, spread them quite thickly with the apple, and pack in layers in a pudding mould. Cover with a simple custard made of a quart of milk, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and two eggs. Let it stand half an hour, then bake. Do not press the bread or beat it after the custard is turned on, as that will be likely to make the pudding heavy. Other fruit marmalade may be used in place of the apple preparation if preferred.

Apple Jelly.

After cleaning, cut nice tart apples in quarters, but unless wormy do not peel or core. Put into porcelain saucepan with a cup of water for each six pounds of fruit, and simmer very slowly until the apples are thoroughly cooked. Turn into a jelly-bag, and drain off the juice. If very tart, allow three-fourths of a pound of sugar to each pint of juice. If sub acid, one half pound will be sufficient. Put the sugar into the oven to heat. Clean the saucepan, and boil the juice therein twenty minutes after it begins to boil thoroughly. Add the sugar, stirring until well dis­solved, let it boil up once again, and remove from the fire. The juice of one lemon may be used with the apples, and a few bits of lemon rind, the yellow portion only, cooked with them to give them a flavour, if liked. One-third cranberry juice makes a pleasing combination.

Simple Tips on Diet.

Below are some simple tips on diet for everyone not just vegans and vegetarians:

  • EAT your bread with gladness. "A merry heart doeth good like a medi­cine."
  • Talk courage and you will soon feel courageous.
  • Food must be well relished in order to be well digested.
  • Make the simple foods your first choice.
  • One well-prepared dish eaten with bread and some fruit or vegetable is ordinarily sufficient.
  • Give preference to the dry, toasted foods. The less fluid taken at meal time the better.
  • A low-protein diet is the least likely to cause auto-intoxication.
  • Chew your food as long as it will remain in your mouth. "you taste your food before you swallow, you will not have to taste it afterwards."
  • Use salt sparingly. Condiments should be wholly discarded, because they irritate the stomach, tending to produce gastric and intestinal catarrh.
  • Use cane sugar in moderation. Sweet fruits and honey are natural sweets.
  • When possible endeavor to eat some raw foods daily in the form of fruits, nuts,or salads.
  • Do not eat a morsel between meals.
  • It is better to eat only two meals a day.
  • If supper is taken, let it consist chiefly of fruit or rice or some of the cereal flakes.
  • Deep breathing improves the digestion. Practice it freely during the day. More die of air starvation than food starvation.
  • Drink a glass of water on rising and retiring, an hour before each meal, and one to three hours after eating.
  • Worry kills. Hope inspires. God Who made us is willing to take care of us. Cheer up.— The Life Boat

Sunday, October 23, 2011


IN the modern English dictionary the meaning of the word "soup" is given as a kind of broth, but its composition is not defined.

Soup is like charity, in that it oft-times covers a multitude of sins. Frequently it is a conglomeration of scraps of meat and bones, etc., which should have been relegated to the waste bin, but which, with the addition of a little seasoning, are served under the title of soup.

To-day we shall deal with soups, without stock, but which are equally nutritious and in many ways superior to those made from meat and bones. In comparing the two we shall find that soups made from vegetables, grains, and legumes, are cleaner and healthier, and rank higher in food value than meat soups.

For the preparation of the latter 1 lb. of meat and bones in about equal proportion is required for each quart of soup. There is very little nourishment in the bone except for the gelatine it contains, and the meat portion furnishes little more than the flavour, which is far surpassed in any vegetable soup, not to mention the difference in the price of vegetable and meat soups.

Soup is easily made and when properly prepared from healthy, nutritious material, is a wholesome article of diet. A good pea soup contains three times as much nourishment as beef soup. When properly prepared, the solid matter which enters into the composition of vegetable soup is so broken up in the process of cooking that it is more easily digested than in any other form. Taken hot at the beginning of a meal, soup stimulates the flow of the digestive juices and on account of the bulk brings a sense of satiety before an excessive quantity of food has been taken.

People who are adverse to liquid, on account of stomach trouble, would find it advantageous to take soup in the form of puree.

Below are recipes for a variety of soups.


Use the Scotch green peas. Look over carefully a pint of peas and put to cook in a quart of water. Cook very slowly for several hours, until perfectly tender, adding a little water—if necessary. Rub through a colander to remove the skins. Add to this pulp two cups of strained stewed tomato, salt to season, and enough water to make of the proper consistency. Reheat and serve. If the flavour is liked, a few pieces of celery or slices of onion may be put in just before reheating and removed before serving


Chop quite fine enough fresh, crisp celery to make a pint, and cook it until tender in a very little boiling water. When done, heat three cupfuls of rich milk, partly cream if it can be afforded, to boiling. Add the celery and sufficient salt to season, and thicken the whole with a tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, or, before heating, add to the milk a cupful of mashed potato, turn through a colander to remove lumps, reheat, add the celery and salt, and serve.


For each quart of soup required cook a pint or pound of sliced potatoes in sufficient water to cover them. When tender, rub through a colander. Return to the fire and add enough rich, sweet milk, partly cream if it can be afforded, to make a quart in all, and a little salt. Let the soup come to the boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little water; boil a few minutes and serve. A cup, and a half of cold mashed potato, or a pint oil sliced baked potato, can be used instead of fresh material, in which case add the milk and heat before rubbing through the colander. A slice of onion or a stalk of celery may be simmered in the soup for a few minutes to flavour it, and then removed with a skimmer or spoon. A good mixed potato soup is made by using one third sweet and two thirds Irish potatoes, in the same manner as above.


Soak over night two tablespoonfuls of pearl barley and one of coarse oatmeal, in water sufficient to cover them. In the morning put the grains, together with the water in which they were soaked, into two quarts of water and simmer for several hours, adding boiling water as needed. About an hour before the soup is required, add a turnip cut into small dice, a grated carrot, and one half cup of fine pieces of the brown portion of the crust of a loaf of whole-wheat bread. Rub all through a colander, and add salt to taste, a cup of milk, and a half cup of thin cream. This should make about three pints of soup.
Visit the Home, Kitchen and Lawn Christmas Corner