Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

Christmas Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes

THE Christmas season is here again with its holly, mistletoe, Christmas bells, and toy-shop windows. It is a time of merriment and feasting. It has a deeper meaning, too. It is a season of kindliness,thoughtfulness, and sharing. It is a timefor joy and happiness. Before we go to the vegetarian and vegan recipes, there is a recipe for Christmas pleasure that has been tried and found good.

A Recipe for a Happy Day

"Take one pound
of kindness
And stir it round
With thoughts that bless.
Plenty of patience makes it nice;
Some fun will add a little spice;
Don't weigh out love, but pour it in;
Oil of good cheer will grease your tin;
Mix well in just the old-time way,
And you'll have made a happy day."

Along with a recipe for a joyous day,homemakers must think of recipes for food and plan a Christmas-dinner menu.We have come a long way in our planning of Christmas menus from the days of endless courses of meat, fish, and fowl; numerous side dishes; and countless desserts, but often stomachs still groan and heads ache from overabundance of rich and indigestible foods, not to mention between-meal nibbles. There is yet much progress to be made if we are to have the season one of real comfort.

Frequently the one who prepares the Christmas dinner has little time for enjoying the holiday. A menu may be chosen,however, that is delicious but much of which may be prepared the day before, to enable the homemaker to join in the festivities. The best sauce for any meal is a spirit of love and hospitality. A simple dinner shared is often more welcome than a banquet.

Here is a suggestive meatless Christmas menu that may be prepared largely before Christmas Day.

Vegex Bouillon Crisp, Salty Crackers Relishes
(Celery Curls, Carrot Sticks, Olives, Cottage-Cheese Balls)
Christmas Bell Salad*
Nutmeat With Chestnut Dressing*
Honeyed Sweet Potatoes*
Green Beans Lyonnaise*
Hot Rolls, Butter Apple Jelly
Ice-Cream Snowball
Hot Fruit Punch

* Recipes below.

Christmas Bell Salad

2 cups raw cranberries
2 cups sugar
2 packages lemon gelatin or Vegajel
3 cups water
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped nuts
1 large orange, ground

Put cranberries through food chopper,cover with sugar, and let stand. Dissolve gelatin in 2 cups hot water and add remaining cold water. Combine all ingredients. Pour into individual bell molds. Chill; serve on lettuce or curly endive. Flute around the edge of the bell with whipped cream mixed with mayonnaise. Place a dot of cream-mayonnaise mixture on top. Serves 8.

Stuffed Nutmeat With Chestnut Dressing

1 quart chestnuts
1 tablespoon margarine or oil
2 cups soft bread crumbs
1/4 cup oil or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
1 egg, well beaten
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 pound 14-ounce can dark nutmeat
(Proteena or Soyameat)

Make a gash in each chestnut to prevent it from exploding; place in a heavy skillet with 1 tablespoon oil. Shake over low heat for a few minutes. Place in a 450° F. oven for about 10 minutes. Remove shells and skins with a knife. Cover chestnuts with boiling salted water and cook until tender, drain, and put through food chopper. Mix lightly but thoroughly with remaining ingredients. With a knife, hollow out the center of the nutmeat. Fill with chestnut dressing. Place in oiled baking pan and cover with mushroom gravy. Bake at 350° F. for one hour. Baste with gravy from time to time. Slice and serve with additional mushroom gravy. Serves 8.

Honeyed Sweet Potatoes

6 medium sweet potatoes or yams
14 cup margarine or butter
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup water

Bake or boil sweet potatoes, peel, and slice lengthwise. Arrange slices in a buttered baking dish. Dot layers with margarine, sprinkle with salt. Mix honey and water and pour over.Bake, basting frequently with liquid, at 350°F. for 20 minutes, or until browned. Serves 8.

Green Beans Lyonnaise

1 pound green beans, fresh or frozen
14 cup minced onion
2 tablespoons oil or margarine
I teaspoon salt

Cook green beans until barely done, still crisp. Saute onions in fat until tender and delicately browned. Add to green beans. Mix thoroughly with salt, and heat about 5 minutes.

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