Thursday, October 6, 2011

Raisin Rice Pudding

We now continue our learning on the preparation of vegan and vegetarian dishes. In this post we will learn how to make Raisin-Rice Pudding. This is a lacto ovo vegetarian dish as it includes milk but vegans can substitute cow milk with soy milk.

The ingredients to make raisin rice pudding are as follows:-
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice.
  • 2 cups low-fat milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • two third cup raisins
  • one third cup chopped dates
  • one quarter teaspoon salt
How to Make Raisin Rice Pudding
  • Combine all the ingredients 
  • Put into a baking dish and bake uncovered at 350 degrees fareinheit about 45 minutes; 
  • Cover and let stand 10 minutes.
  • or steam in double boiler about an hour.
Serve warm and chilled.

  • Add ¼  cup coconut (or use in place of the dates). 
  • Add ¼  cup pine nuts.
  • Addition of ⅛ teaspoon anise flavoring and 1 teaspoon ground coriander or 1 teaspoon  ground cardamon gives a distinctive flavor.
  • Mashed, ripe banana folded in just before serving adds creaminess and sweetness.
  • Cooked millet can replace rice. 

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