Monday, October 10, 2011


In this post we will try to find some alternative vegan and vegetarian recipes for the thanksgiving turkey. The following are some vegetarian substitutes for Thanksgiving Turkey:-

To two cups of lentil or bean pulp (made by putting cooked lentils or beans  through a colander), add one cup of strained canned tomato, two eggs, two cups of nut meal or very finely chopped nuts, one-half cup of 20% gluten or browned flour, the juice of a medium-sized onion, a little minced celery or celery salt, sage and salt to season, and one-fourth cup of dairy or nuttolene cream. The mixture should be quite stiff, as it will be if the water is largely evaporated from the legumes in the cook­ing.

Place in a bread-tin to bake and with a thin-bladed knife press into shape. Use macaroni for the "drum sticks." Bake in a quick oven. Serve with the following dressing: One cup of lentil or bean pulp, one cup of strained tomato, one cup of dairy or nuttolene cream, browned flour to thick­en. Season with salt, celery and a little grated onion. Strain before serving.


One cup of milk, one cup of cream, two eggs, three-fourths cup of nut meal, one cup of granola, salt to season.

Beat the eggs slightly, add the milk, cream, nut meal, and granola, also salt if desired. Let stand fifteen minutes,f then bake in a moderate oven thirty to forty-five minutes.


Prepare the chestnuts by dropping into boiling water for ten minutes and re­move the shells and skins with a knife.Two cups of chopped chestnuts, three cups of stale bread crumbs, three-fourths cup of cream, two eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, one medium-sized onion, grated, and a little sage.

Beat the eggs, add salt, cream, milk, grated onion, bread crumbs, chopped chestnuts, and sage. Bake in a moderate oven thirty to forty-five minutes.


Remove the contents of one-pound can of Sanitas Meat cut into halves lengthwise, lay in a baking pan with the flat surface down, sprinkle with salt and a little grated onion, and pour over a half cup of strained tomatoes. Bake twenty to thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with the following: —


One-half pint of protose or a vegeta­ble broth, seasoned with a little thyme, mint, and one-half teaspoonful salt.  Thicken with two and one-half tablespoonfuls of browned flour braided with a little water. Boil five minutes, strain, and add the following: one and one-half tablespoonfuls lemon juice, one-half teaspoonful sugar, one-half tablespoonful of grated onionion,and one dozen chopped ripe olives.

To two eggs slightly beaten, add one cup of milk, one cup of cream, one cup of granola, one-half cup chopped Eng­lish walnuts and salt to season. Let soak twenty minutes, bake in an oiled pan for thirty to forty-five minutes

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