Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tomato and Potato Recipes

Below are some useful Tomato and Potato recipes that you may find useful in your own cooking. These recipes are suitable for vegetarians.

SAVOURY POTATOES.— Cut up an onion and place at the bottom of a pie-dish. Cut up two pounds of potatoes, then put a layer of them over the onion. Sprinkle a dessertspoonful of tapioca over them, add the remaining potatoes, putting two ounces of butter in pieces on the top, add seasoning, fill the dish three parts full with boiling water, and cook in the oven.

POTATO OMELET.— One and a half pounds peeled potatoes, boiled, mash with one ounce butter, add half pound stale bread crumbs and three well beaten eggs. Three-quarters pint milk, seasoning and a little chopped parsley. Place in a buttered dish, smooth the top, cover with thin layer of fine bread crumbs, and a few pieces of. butter, bake in a brisk oven.

TOMATO OMELET.— Quart of bread crumbs, three or four chopped cooked onions, a little salt, one ounce butter, one pound peeled and sliced tomatoes, half pint milk, one or two beaten eggs, seasoning. Mix together, and put in a buttered dish, shake over a handful of bread crumbs, add a few pieces of butter and bake.

FORCEMEAT PIES.— Steep and boil four ounces tapioca in half pint of water. Make some forcemeat balls as follows : Eight ounces of bread crumbs, two eggs well beaten, a pinch of thyme, parsley and seasoning. Mix well together and roll into balls. Put a little butter into a tin, let it brown slightly, put in the balls and bake. Put a layer of tapioca at the bottom of a dish, cut the balls into slices, put a layer of the balls, then another layer of tapioca, and so on until the dish is full. Cover with paste in the ordinary way and bake.

MACARONI AND TOMATO.—Boil six ounces of macaroni until tender, strain, chop up an onion, and about three tomatoes. Stew together until tender, and run through sieve, add seasoning and a little mixed spice; thicken the liquor with a little arrowroot, add the macaroni, and stew together for about quarter of
an hour.

SAVOURY BALLS.—Two pints each bread crumbs and mashed potatoes, two hard-boiled eggs cut small, a little onion chopped very fine, chopped parsley and thyme, salt, a little piece of melted butter. Bind together with beaten egg, form into balls, dip into egg and bread crumbs, place in pie-dish, and bake. Serve with brown gravy.

TOMATO ROLL.—To one pint of tinned tomatoes add four ounces bread crumbs, two or three tablespoonfuls of cooked onion, one ounce parsley, one tablespoonful of cooked lentils, one hard-boiled egg chopped fine. Mix together with seasoning, mace and thyme. Spread a thick layer of the mixture on a sheet of white or wholemeal paste, roll up and bake. Serve with potatoes and gravy.

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